What Is Property Tax Reassessment?


Triston Martin

Nov 21, 2022

During the Reassessment process, the tax-related assessed value of a property may be reviewed and altered if necessary. The purpose of the Reassessment is to guarantee that the amount of money paid in property taxes is proportional to what the house is worth on the open market.

It is possible to reassess the worth of a piece of the property whenever there is a change in the owner, whenever there is a change in how the property is used, or if there is a significant increase or decrease in the property's value. This procedure may be handled by the local government or the assessment authority, and it has the potential to result in a modification to the overall amount of property tax that is payable.

When you get a notification of a reassessment of your property tax, you must pay careful attention to it since it may have repercussions. In this article, this tactic will be discussed in more depth, providing you with all the necessary background information.

What Is Property Tax Reassessment?

When the governing body of your community chooses to review the properties on which it collects taxes, each property is appraised at its current market value in preparation for the review. This ensures that the appropriate amount of tax is paid every month.

An appraiser considers a home's location, size, quantity and types of amenities, and the most recent sales of comparable properties in the area when attempting to estimate its true market value. The current state of the local market is another factor that is taken into consideration by the appraiser. We are going to reevaluate each property by making use of the most recent data that is at our disposal.

You have the legal right to file an appeal if you believe the judge did not consider all of the relevant considerations in making the decision. Every claim you make is going to need supporting proof.

How often do you Reassessment your progress?

Most of the time, reviews are done every three to five years. When a reassessment is done, the goal is to create a value for each property that is both more accurate and fair. It's important to look into the property and determine what the market values it at now.

Most of the time, reassessments are done by a hand-picked group of assessors chosen by the local government. Appraisers will visit the site in person to determine the property's size, location, and condition. They will also look into similar sales in the area to get a better idea of what is worth of the property on the market right now.

How Does the Reassessment Process Work?

Here's a quick rundown of how the property tax on your home may be reassessed, in case you're curious.

  1. The assessor's office must send a notice of assessment to the owner of every piece of real estate in the municipality as the first step. This letter contains an estimate of the increase or decrease in property taxes that will be levied against your house as a direct result of the abovementioned changes.
  2. Calling the assessor's office and making a formal appeal request is something you can do. If you are not satisfies with the new grade, you can submit arguments and evidence supporting your position.
  3. Once it is received, the assessor's office will look it over and decide based on what they find. If you feel that the decision should not have been made, you can file an appeal with the court in your state or province.

Why Would My Property Taxes Go Up After a Reassessment?

To clarify, a reassessment is a process through which your property tax is evaluated. In other words, it's the procedure of analysing a property's taxable value and adjusting it to comply with tax regulations. This strategy applies to individual plots of land and the layout of whole urban centres.If the property's assessed value increases, the resulting property tax increase is mostly attributable to that increase. If the property's market value or renovations have increased its worth, this may be the case.

How Can I Appeal My Property Tax Reassessment?

It is possible to pursue an appeal against the outcome of your property tax reassessment if you are unhappy with the outcome. It's recommended that you consult a lawyer specialising in tax law before attempting to appeal a reassessment since doing so might be a complex procedure.If you believe your property's value was incorrectly determined or the reassessment process was unjust, you must provide evidence supporting your claim. There is a potential for the appeals procedure to succeed, and your property tax assessment will be lowered if you provide sufficient evidence.

How Is Property Value Determined During Reassessment?

Your home's value is based on several factors, including size, proximity to desirable amenities, and overall condition. The assessor will also consider the prices at which residences like yours have recently sold in the neighbourhood.You'll need to prove that the government's valuation is far off by providing evidence showing your home is worth substantially less.


If you live in a municipality and have noticed a change in the property taxes you owe, the change may result from a new property assessment. The purpose of a reassessment is to guarantee that all homeowners contribute an appropriate amount of property taxes relative to the value of their homes.

You need to know when reassessments will occur in your city or town. This is because reassessments take place at different times in different regions. It would be beneficial if you had a working knowledge of reassessments and the potential paths they could take you down.


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