4 Best Health Insurance for Unemployed


Nov 07, 2023 By Susan Kelly

Suppose the financial strain of losing your employment opportunity isn't sufficient. You could also be likely to lose access to benefits that you could have gotten from your employer, like health insurance. Without a reliable source of income, paying for an individual health insurance policy might seem like an impossible task. However, it doesn't need to be. There are a variety of alternatives to the best health insurance for the unemployed, but you have to take action quickly.

If you lose your job, you are eligible for a specific time of enrollment in the health insurance marketplace, which the U.S. government governs, but it is only for 60 days. Additionally, you can buy private health insurance, which often gives you more flexibility than regular insurance. For instance, short-term plans that last for one year are offered in various states.

Sidecar Health

Sidecar Health, founded in the year 2018, is looking to reinvent the process of obtaining the health insurance you need. Sidecar Health will send you a card in the mail that you may use to pay for your doctor's appointment with cash rather than presenting an insurance card when you go to the doctor's office. Because you're paying out of pocket with the plan's benefits, it is possible to visit any doctor you want without being restricted to a network of providers. In contrast to the traditional plan, you can enroll in coverage anytime; there are no open enrollment times to be concerned about.

Using a basic application form, plans may be bought online or via the Sidecar Health app for smartphones. Once you've completed the application, you'll have the option of buying any of the three available plans or picking your policy. Standard plans include the option of a zero deductible, but a custom-designed plan lets you set a deductible as high as $1,000, which will reduce your monthly payment. In Texas, the premiums start at $215 per month and have the option of deductibles that are zero for an adult who is healthy and 50 years old However; it offers only $10,000 in coverage for the year.


Unemployment can be extremely stressful, especially if you have a family to think about, and the cost of health insurance is significant if you have multiple dependents. Molina is our top choice for families because they provide cost-effective and economical choices and benefits targeted towards pregnancies and children.

Molina offers insurance coverage for families and individuals through Medicaid, Medicare, and the Marketplace. If your income falls between 138% and 400 percent below the Federal poverty threshold, You can take advantage of tax credits on Molina plans to cut down your monthly costs significantly. In addition, no matter the size of your family, the deductible is set at twice the deductible for an individual.


If you've recently left your job, COBRA typically lets you maintain your coverage through your employer for up to 18 months. This is a significant cost, but you'll have to pay the full cost of the premium and an administrative cost; the former employer pays nothing. Before committing yourself to COBRA coverage, you might consider comparing the costs to options available on HealthCare.gov.

If you are eligible for a specific enrollment period of 60 days, you can choose COBRA coverage or purchase an additional health plan via the Health Insurance Marketplace. If you don't meet the 60-day deadline, you'll need to wait until an open enrollment window to purchase a market plan. You can't pick COBRA following the 60-day limited enrollment period has ended. If you choose COBRA insurance, you'll receive another 60-day enrollment period following the COBRA coverage period, which allows you to change onto one of the Obamacare plans.

The IHC Group

If you're unemployed and believe you'll be covered by health insurance in the coming year, An STM plan might be the best choice. It's the IHC Group. IHC Group offers short-term insurance that can be purchased with coverage that is effective the next day, which makes this company the best option for short-term coverage. Be aware that STM policies aren't ACA-compliant, which means that federally mandated preventive health care isn't covered. Also, you could be denied coverage due to your medical background.

IHC Group's STM policies begin at between $50 to $100 for a 35-year-old adult living in most states. Insurance is available for dependents too. You can also choose to include insurance for vision, dental prescriptions, telehealth, and prescriptions in your state. You can choose to add riders starting at about $25 per month. Three deductibles are offered $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000, and there's no choice but to modify the default $2 million annual benefits.


Unemployment can be difficult, especially if you have to look into financing health insurance. This roundup offers affordable and flexible options that are vital if you cannot plan your future job. There's no reason to and shouldn't be with no health coverage if you're currently unemployed. In some cases, less expensive coverage such as COBRA or short-term insurance may help you save money. However, these policies don't provide the same amount, so they might cost you more in the future.


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