How to Do Budgeting When You’re Broke?


Dec 13, 2023 By Susan Kelly

Eviction, increasing credit card debt, and wrecked credit ratings may all be avoided with careful planning. It is never too late to work toward accomplishing your monetary objectives. Get started right now with these 10 ways to make your life less stressful about your finances.

1. Avoid Immediate Disasters

Don't be hesitant to seek bill extensions or payment arrangements. Requests of this kind are often approved. If you are most concerned about being kicked out of your apartment, speak to your landlord about the situation. At the same time, investigate if you can negotiate payment extensions for any of your other bills to free up more funds for paying rent.

Consider the following scenario: your rent is $650, and you have a shortfall of $200. Your power bill is $100, your landline phone bill is $40, and your cable phone and landline bill cost you a total of $60. You can avoid being evicted from your home if the payments for these bills are put off until after you have received your next salary.

2. Check the Due Dates and Payments for Your Credit Cards

If you are paying the required minimum Budgeting on your credit card(s), your credit score is in danger of plummeting to an all-time low. Nevertheless, putting off credit card charges can only worsen your financial situation. The outstanding amount of $1,000 is $40. You were supposed to pay $40 on the due date but were late. Therefore you were assessed a $35 late fee. In addition, the default interest rate of 25% will be applied to any further charges made to your account in the future. Your credit card will be considerably more challenging for you to pay off now. You won't even have time to realize it until you've racked up an excessive amount of missed payments and late penalties.

3. Prioritizing Bills

After going through your expenses to determine what must be paid first, create a payment plan based on the days of the week, you get paid. If any of your costs are already past due, you will want to give yourself some breathing room to catch up. If this is the case, you should contact the firms who sent you the bills to find out how much you can pay toward the bills right now to get back on track toward a good status. Tell them that you are getting caught up and will follow a more stringent budget. Be truthful about how much money you have available to pay. Sometimes it's just second nature to state that you'll pay the whole amount on your next paycheck, even if it's possible that you won't have the total amount available after you include it in all of your other obligations.

4. Ignore the Rule about Saving Ten Percent

When you're living paycheck to paycheck, it might be overwhelming to think of putting 10 percent of your salary in a savings account. First, you need to achieve financial stability by balancing your budget. When trying to ward off debt collectors, it does not make sense to have $100 stashed away in a savings plan. Your savings will have to remain stagnant until you can get your financial situation under control.

5. Take a Look at the Spending

Apps and software for online banking and budgeting might assist you in classifying your expenditure so that you can more easily make changes when you are broke. For instance, if you bank online, you may organize your funds according to different costs, such as rent, food, and utilities.

6. Engage In Interest Rate Negotiations

Call the customer service numbers for each of your credit card issuers and ask for a decrease in your interest rate if you have a solid credit history. If you don't ask, you won't know, especially considering how uncommon it is that credit card issuers would reduce your interest rate on their initiative.

7. Get Rid Of Any Costs

Should you limit the amount of coffee you drink each day? Or how about a trip to the movies? Or do you often find that your goods have gone wrong? The first step in any reduction in Spending should be to eliminate expenses that won't be missed, such as switching auto insurance providers to obtain a better rate or lowering the amount of fresh food you buy if you discover that it goes bad before you can use it. Eating out is considerably more expensive. Therefore you should evaluate how often and how often you need to indulge in this luxury.

8. Modify Your Spending Based On the Needs

If, after keeping a diary for one month, you discover that your budget is not where it needs to be, you should be ready to make some adjustments to it. It would help if you didn't discount the possibility of purchasing things that are considered necessities, such as food, utilities, or rent. The expense of pre-packaged goods may be avoided by preparing meals from scratch, and using generic brands rather than brand names will result in significant cost savings when filling a grocery cart.


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