Programs For First-Time Home Buyers In Kansas


Oct 13, 2023 By Susan Kelly

Kansas offers several programs to assist first-time home buyers with purchasing a home. One option is the First-Time Homebuyer Program, which provides a deferred loan of up to 5% of the purchase price for the down payment and closing costs. This loan is forgiven after five years of homeownership. Another option is the Home Investment Partnership Program, which provides down payment and closing cost assistance to low- and moderate-income buyers. This program also offers homebuyer education and counseling to prepare individuals for the responsibilities of homeownership. In addition, the kansas city first time home buyer programs Housing Assistance Program provides mortgage credit certificates to first-time home buyers, which can be used to reduce the amount of federal income tax owed and increase the amount of disposable income available for mortgage payments. These are just a few options available to first-time home buyers in Kansas.

Kansas First-Time Home Buyer Programs

Kansas offers several programs specifically designed to help first-time home buyers achieve their goal of homeownership. These programs can assist with down payments, closing costs, and other expenses that make buying a home more affordable.

Kansas Housing Assistance Program (KHAP)

The first time home buyer programs kansas is a program that assists first-time home buyers in the form of a deferred-payment, no-interest loan. This loan covers a portion of the down payment and closing costs associated with purchasing a home. The loan is forgiven after the borrower occupies the house for a certain number of years, typically five to ten years. To be eligible for the KHAP program, you must meet certain income and credit requirements and purchase a home within certain price limits. The home must also be located in Kansas and your primary residence.

FHA Loans

FHA loans are mortgage loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). These loans are a good option for first-time home buyers because they have more lenient credit and income requirements than conventional loans. To qualify for an FHA loan, you must have a credit score of at least 580, and you must be able to make a down payment of at least 3.5% of the home's purchase price. You must also meet specific income requirements and have a stable employment history.

VA Loans

VA loans are mortgage loans guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These loans are available to active-duty military personnel, veterans, and other groups. VA loans are a good option for first-time home buyers because they have more lenient credit and income requirements than conventional loans. To qualify for a VA loan, you must have a credit score of at least 620 and a stable income and employment history. You must also meet specific service requirements, such as serving a minimum number of days or completing a certain number of deployments.

Kansas State Housing Development Authority (KDA)

The Kansas State Housing Development Authority (KDA) is a state agency that offers a variety of programs to help first time home buyer programs in kansas. These programs include down payment assistance, closing cost assistance, and mortgage credit certificates. To be eligible for these programs, you must meet certain income and credit requirements and purchase a home within certain price limits. The home must also be located in Kansas and your primary residence.

Additional Resources

Several organizations can provide assistance if you are a first-time home buyer in Kansas and you are looking for additional resources to help you achieve your homeownership goal. Some of these organizations include:

  • The Kansas Association of Realtors: This organization offers a variety of resources for home buyers, including a home buyer's handbook and a list of participating lenders.
  • The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation: This organization offers a variety of programs to help first-time home buyers, including down payment and closing cost assistance.
  • The Kansas State University Extension: This organization offers educational resources for home buyers, including a home buyer's workshop and a home buyer's guide.


Kansas offers a variety of programs to assist first-time home buyers in the process of purchasing a home. These programs can help with down payments and closing costs, as well as offer homebuyer education and counseling to prepare individuals for the responsibilities of homeownership. By taking advantage of these resources, first-time home buyers in Kansas can increase their chances of successfully navigating the home buying process and achieving the dream of homeownership. It is essential to carefully research and compare the various programs to determine which fits your needs and financial situation best. Working with a knowledgeable and experienced real estate agent can also be beneficial in finding and securing the right home and taking advantage of available assistance programs.


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