All You Need to Understand: What is the Debt Ceiling?


Feb 11, 2024 By Susan Kelly


What is the debt ceiling? A debt ceiling is a legislative or legally imposed maximum bound on a country's, government's, or state's total existing state debt, usually represented as an actual sum.

Is There a Limit to the National Debt?

The debt ceiling is a boundary on how much debt the United States government can take on. The public debt of the United States reached over thirty-one trillion dollars in June 2022, and it was growing. Too much government debt, which necessitates a wide range of service payouts, reduces the availability of funds for many government programs and activities and entangles up enough money (in the form of state of administration equities) that can be constructively engaged in private industry limits the state's power to enhance economic growth by lowering taxes and successfully transacting capital from less-affluent communities.

Government Budget: Restrictions On Borrowing

Attempts have been devoted in various nations to impose legal constraints on public debt. Fear reigns supreme in the United States. In 1917, the United States entered its first paper debt cap of $11.5 billion, and in 1939, it set its first overall borrowing limit of $45 billion. The national fiscal deficit has consistently expanded since the early 1960s, necessitating more than 70 changes to the debt limit to keep federal agencies running and avert failure on the public debt. Some detractors say that the US debt limit is ineffectual. At the same time, supporters maintain that it enforces fiscal discipline by requiring government politicians to take accountability for budget deficits when such a threshold is increased.

Consequences For Failing Commitments Due to The Debt Ceiling?

Since the US has never foreclosed on its debts, the negative consequences of failing to meet all federal commitments associated with the debt ceiling are unknown. However, they are predicted to be broad and devastating for the US (and global) economic system. Considering that the US Treasury seems the world's safest asset, a failure would almost certainly result in a financial catastrophe and unemployment. A collapse would almost certainly result in a financial meltdown and unemployment. And ordinary families would indeed be impacted in a range of methods, from not getting critical social program payouts like Social Security or residential aid to seeing higher mortgage lender card borrowing costs. See CEA's related blog post, "Living After Failure," for a more comprehensive examination of the possible implications of exceeding the debt ceiling.

The constitutionality of the debt ceiling has been a point of contention. The legality of the US budget deficits, legally authorized... shall not be infringed, says the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The United States is just one of those democratic nations that do not possess a loan cap, rendering one of the very few exclusions.

What is the National Debt?

The national debt held by the public is the quantity of unpaid national government loans accrued over our existence. When the state administration's continuing functions cannot be sustained solely by federal earnings, it must loan funds to pay its debts. When this occurs, the United States Treasury Department issues and sells bonds. These instruments represent the federal administration's debt. Treasury borrowing comes in various forms, the most common of which are banknotes, notations, and securities. The main differences between the various sorts of debt are when they expire (ranging from a few weeks to thirty years) and how much immediate interest they repay. Since 2001, the United States has not had a yearly profit and has had to borrow to pay federal agencies yearly.

What is the Debt Limit?

The federal debt seems to be a restriction set by Congress on how much debt the United States could have unsettled. From August 1st, 2021, this limitation has been fixed at $28.4 trillion.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Debt Ceiling

Setting a borrowing limit is pragmatic because it allows the US Treasury to issue bonds without needing Congress' approval each time this country tries to increase money, which is time-consuming. The parameters for a more appropriate payment process are set with a debt limit. On the other hand, the debt ceiling is notoriously variable and has been increased occasionally, expressing concerns about its effectiveness as a measure to encourage fiscal prudence. Over time, the United States has accumulated a record-high public debt.


  • It keeps the country's finances under control.
  • It has the potential to be utilized to finance federal functions.
  • It is increasing the state's ability to make financial commitments, such as Social Security and Medicaid payments, with greater efficiency.


  • can readily be increased, promoting budgetary recklessness.
  • This reduces the United States' credit rating and raises the cost of financing.
  • Debate rages over whether or not the debt limit is legal.

What Happens If the Debt Gets Too High?

Failure to pay principal to creditors if the debt ceiling is reached would have serious economic ramifications. The government of the United States might fail, decreasing its creditworthiness and raising the price of its borrowing. The US economy would be thrown into a spiral due to this.

The Bottom Line

Throughout World War I, the fiscal cliff was established to control government expenditures and keep the US government fiscally conservative. Despite reservations about the debt ceiling's efficiency, the debt limit has been increased or changed 78 times ever since to prevent collapse and maintain the US business.


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