The Case For Congress Restoring The Expanded Child Tax Credit During A Lame Duck Session


Jan 28, 2024 By Triston Martin

In 2021, families could claim a larger and more universal child tax credit, but that benefit has since expired. Currently, almost 19 million kids get either a reduced tax credit or none. There is a call for Congress to continue tax advantages for corporations while renewing a more generous child tax credit.

A group of parents and caregivers from the Economic Security Project rallied in support of the Child Tax Credit on September 20 in Washington, DC, in advance of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.

Priorities Research Center

Through 2021, the enhanced child tax credit provided millions of families with monthly payments of up to $300 per kid. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, an independent think tank, has released a report stating that due to the law's expiration that authorized the previously higher payouts, around 19 million children are now receiving either a reduced credit or none at all. According to the CBPP, a significant amount of child poverty might be alleviated by unemployment.

Possibility Of Increasing One's Credit Limit

Legislators will have another chance to increase the credit before the new Congress is sworn in during the lame-duck session when they will also likely examine corporate tax cuts.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities warns that "the stakes are considerable." Thanks to the Rescue Plan, the unprecedented progress against child poverty is at risk if policymakers do not increase the child tax credit.

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In 2021, families could claim a child tax credit of up to $3,600 for each child younger than six and up to $3,000 for each child aged 6 to 17. Families might receive up to half of those amounts in monthly payments, and the rest (or all of the amounts if they did not receive monthly checks) could be claimed with their 2021 tax returns.

All children from high-income households and those up to the age of 17 were included in the extended credit, making it available to more families. The child tax credit has been reinstated to its prior levels of $2,000 per kid under 17.

Taxes owed on earnings.

Earning more than $2,500 triggers a gradual reduction of the present child tax benefit. If the tax credit owed to a family is greater than their income tax burden, the maximum amount the family can get is $1,500. Instead of basing the credit's progression on the number of children, it looks at the family's income.

On May 24, 2020, in New York City's Central Park, a little child sat on his father's shoulder while wearing a mask and staring intently at the camera. According to the CBPP analysis, this may mean that low-income families get the same amount of money no matter how many kids they have, while high-income families get $2,000 more for each kid.

Priorities Research Center

Minority groups are disproportionately represented among low-income families receiving no or reduced child tax credits. Sarah Calame, a research assistant at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, estimates that as many as 45% of Black children, up to 39% of Latino children, and up to 38% of American Indian or Alaska Native children fall into this category.

Calame said that economic inequalities may be mitigated by "an expanded CTC that concentrates on pulling up those 19 million youngsters who are left out."

Some representatives are pushing for resolutions before the end of the year.

Children and their parents rally in favor of the child tax credit provision of the Build Back Better bill on December 13, 2021, outside the United States Capitol.

Parents and children rally in favor of the child tax credit provision of the Build Back Better bill on December 13, 2021, outside the United States Capitol. The ParentsTogether Foundation coordinated the rally.

Some legislators have said they will not back plans to reauthorize an enhanced child tax credit if Congress works to include corporate tax benefits in upcoming legislation.

Home Size Modification

The most difficult challenge they will likely confront is determining the credit's legal status under the tax rules. Currently, the credit serves as a social safety net for low-income and working-class families and provides an adjustment for household size.


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